A Nation Divided Will Not Stand – Let Us Work on Coming Together in 2021

by | Jan 7, 2021 | Inspiration, Life

A nation divided will not stand. We are a nation divided. The “changing of the guard” will not change that fact. It is “we the people” who have to change, or be willing to change. This nation will be conquered from within, not from without. Those who are watching us – as we become more and more divided – are just waiting for the fall, so they can pick up the pieces. History repeats itself.

We are the problem. Government doesn’t make money, it takes money from us, the taxpayers. It requires the people of our nation in order to support itself (and apparently focus on every other nation in the world). Latest statistics show that more than 8 million AMERICAN people were going into poverty in 2020, and even more living paycheck to paycheck. Let us point fingers at everyone else. Just remember when you point a finger, four come back at you. None of us are are above what is happening in this, our once great  nation, as it is being torn apart by our own people. My heart breaks to see what is happening.

It is no one’s fault; it is everyone’s fault. Stop passing blame – take responsibility. Understand how our government and nation work. Double check what the media tells you. Stop taking it for face value. Stop letting others ‘fact-check’ for you. Find the answers for yourself – do the research. We have public records for a reason. Our government is responsible to US, which means that what they do is a matter of public record. Or, for all intents and purposes, should be. In our digital society, it is even easier to access these records than it was before. We no longer have to travel to the Library of Congress to see what has been or is being done. We can now simply go online to the Library of Congress. We can see what bills are on the floor in our nation’s capital. We can hold Congress accountable to US if we choose to.

That is the problem though, isn’t it? We aren’t choosing to do so. We would rather place blame or chase our emotions than really stop and see what is going on around us. With more people living in poverty, with more and more suicides happening around the nation due to the ‘depressive’ nature in the news and the world at large, what are we focusing on? How are we moving toward a better tomorrow when we can’t handle what is happening today?

There is a saying, “Why do today what we can do tomorrow?” Too many people follow that ideal. Instead we should be focusing on what we CAN do TODAY, as tomorrow isn’t promised to us. Today isn’t even promised to us. Take it from someone who knows. One moment someone you love can be there with you, and in the next moment, they are gone. Forever gone. Life is too short, yet we choose to take it for granted. We focus on ourselves and what our emotional needs are. We want what we want in the moment. Yet, we tout about a ‘better world’ for our children. We talk about taking care of our planet so that the next generation will have a world to live in. We should be taking care of our planet so WE have a better world to live in.

Simple things like not throwing trash out the window and instead placing it in a trash bin while you are filling up gas at your next stop. Paying attention to the world around you. Not thinking that “it doesn’t affect me so it doesn’t matter”. Those are the thoughts that allow things to creep up on you and suddenly it IS affecting you but it is too late. The documents have been voted on, the laws have been passed, and you are left holding an empty bag as you have had to give everything you earned, back in taxes. You are paying for the use of the air you breath.

Taxation without representation. Something this nation was NOT built on. The colonialists split from England for a reason. The United States was build on the ideal of less taxes to the government in order to be a “free” nation, so much better than the one so many people left behind. Here we are, a couple of centuries later, and our taxes are taking over our ability to live. We are being dictated to as to where we can do and how we can do it. The mindset of the nation is less concerned with paying attention and questioning things than who can do what.

Now, more than ever, we need to focus on the people here at home. Help small businesses within our community. How long do you think that ‘the government’ will be able to support those on unemployment, welfare, and other subsidies that are so needed without income via your taxes? Without businesses, there are no taxes being paid to cover these. Without jobs, individuals aren’t paying taxes, which also provide the money used by the government for this assistance to not only our nation but other countries as well.

Why is it that people in Congress are the only ones in the world who can vote in their pay raises? Why don’t the people have a voice in whether the job they are doing deserves the raises they get EVERY year? Who is paying their income? We are. We the People who have NO voice in what they are making. We the People who are forced to pay taxes of face the consequences; fines, prison. We do it. We accept it. We don’t look to change it. We just keep our heads down and allow them to walk on our backs, to dictate what is best for us, never questioning any of it.

It is time that we stop what we are doing, look up and question everything. We need to question the education system. The one that is teaching children how to “feel” about things rather than how to think. We need to question why our taxes are being raised and where that money is going. We need to question why we have so much poverty in our own nation and yet we are reaching out to help other countries with their poverty. Perhaps it is time we take a good hard look at what is going on in America rather than trying to police the world.

Just think about it.


Unite/Come Together Mug

Come Together 2021 Mug with Color Inside