You Are Beautiful

by | Dec 12, 2014 | Inspiration, Life

We have all heard it said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How many of us believe that? As a woman, we often feel that we are in competition with what we have always guessed was perfection in models on the runways or the cover of magazines. However, have you ever really looked at them? True beauty is more than skin deep; and even women who have seem to have flawless features, aren’t truly flawless. (Let’s not go into the overuse of plastic surgery.)

The energy we give off, the way we treat others, the person we really are when we are not just alone with ourselves, but who we are with our friends and family; that is who we really are. That is what equates to being truly beautiful. It is when we can look past the flaws, that may exist on the outside, to behold what is real. Then we see the truth of beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful and glorious.

Beauty with imperfection

Beauty with imperfection

I took this photo of a rose that has imperfections you can see when you look for them. However, they are dimmed compared to the color and the surrounding petals and blooms of the flower itself. (Not to mention the wonderful fragrance it puts off.) We are like flowers; beautiful and can be seen as perfect in the eyes of the beholder; even when we don’t feel that we are.

Do you feel imperfect? Ugly? Flawed? Stop comparing yourself to others. Instead, give yourself a gift by taking a good look at yourself in the mirror and discover the real you. Its not who we are on the outside – that is guaranteed to change with time – who we are on the inside is what will continuously shine through. Think of who you are, who you want to be, and work toward that goal. Allow yourself to shine. Believe those who tell you how beautiful you are, even if you don’t feel it yourself. Accept with grace those who tell you are ‘cute’ ‘adorable’ ‘beautiful’ and/or ‘wonderful’. Over time you may end up agreeing with them about how wonderful you truly are.