Can we stop life and rewind?

by | Oct 29, 2014 | Inspiration

Ever feel like life really is a Merry-go-round and how nice it would be to just be able to yell stop! Freeze! I like it right here, let’s not move on? Or perhaps a little bit of a rewind would be nice? Yea, me too. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen; or at least I haven’t heard of anyone being able to do it except in the movies or in books I have read. Of course, even then, the characters choose to go to unexplored destinations with a thirst to fulfill their curiosity.

Me? I am more of a “let’s go back to this point in my past and savor the moment” kinda girl. I mean, sometimes I would just love to go back and wallow by the lake without any cares or thoughts; let someone else deal with it. You know, the time when life was “more innocent”.  Of course, that is all an illusion. There have been some really great times, and there have been some really horrible times as well. I adopted the phrase “there’s always sunshine after the rain” as in order to remind myself that no matter how bad I might feel things are, at the end of the tunnel there is light. It’s amazing how we can trick ourselves into believing those things even when we don’t really feel them.

I have had some heart crushing experiences in my life (and no they weren’t all relationship oriented!); where I literally curled up into a ball, crying my eyes out and wondering if I could make it through the next minute, let alone hour or day; (un?)fortunately we are a resilient lot and we can move forward into the vast unknown and make it out of some of the most dire situations. I do believe that we never really do this alone; it is always with help or the seen or unseen.

Everyone knows the Bible verse (Ecclesiastes 3:1 – whether you knew it was a Bible verse or not might be up for debate)  “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun” then it goes on to list out some of those things.  Whoever agrees with the negative things that happen in our lives, but once we come through them, we are wiser, stronger and have gained knowledge that shapes us. We are always changing and growing. So, if I could stop time would I really? Yes! Who am I kidding? I would still savor some of those moments before I moved on to the next thing. Like a kid in a candy store! However, I think it is only because I am older and wiser that I even know what those moments to savor really are.