He’s not the only one…

I had a customer come in the other day, who also owes a NWFT, she is 3-years old. I found out that his dog is also allergic to grass. That isn’t the only thing they have in common, apparently, they also both came from the same breeder. I know not all of the NWFT...

At 2 1/2

Well, Ramsey is actually getting closer to 3 now; and he is definitely becoming more mature, losing a bit of the puppiness. He has also entered the challenge stage again. Basically, when you tell him to “sit” or anything else, he will think about it and...

Its in the bark

Ramsey is quickly approaching the two year mark, and while part of me hopes that this will be a ‘mature’ point, I seriously doubt it. I have been told that they mature between 2 & 3 years. I will let you know. However, as we continue to train him he...

Always Friendly

Ramsey has become a “shop dog”. Well, as he comes with me practically every where I go, with very few exceptions. (Talk about a spoiled dog.) He has gathered a bit of a following at work, in other words, people come simply to see him. When UPS drives up,...