
I love my dog! The ironic thing is that he has allergies to “something” in the yard.. which looks a lot like grass. Of course, we took him to the vet and that is how we found out! We were given some power to help with the itching, but he still manages to...

A Little yorkie

We had a customer bring in his rescue dog, a little Yorkie named Charlie. Ramsey wanted to play with him, and it was really cute to watch this small dog (Charlie is 2 years old) playing ‘chase’ with Ramsey (who is 14 months). Charlie would run at Ramsey,...

Just another dog day

Ramsey loves to greet customers at work, however, when he isn’t doing that.. he is just laying around waiting.   [singlepic id=56 w=320 h=40 float=none] [singlepic id=57 w=320 h=240 float=none] [singlepic id=58 w=320 h=240...

Barking at…

Over the past few months, my wonderful puppy has decided that he enjoys barking just to bark. He is selective when he barks, which happens to be mostly in the car, out the window at people who are usually jogging, on bikes or motorcycles. However, do not let this fool...