How do you view your life?

How do you view your life?

In the last few years, there have been so many things that have happened in my life. The loss of my husband, the realization that “widow” is a word that applies to me now. These are just a couple of things.  Learning how to live with a missing piece...
Self Confidence and you

Self Confidence and you

Self-confidence can be a tricky thing. You either have it, fake it or don’t even think about it. The truth is; we are born self-confident. We come into this world believing our needs will be met. That we are going to be taken care of-because of who we are. We...
Agreeing to disagree – Diversity in Discussion

Agreeing to disagree – Diversity in Discussion

Perhaps you have heard the term “agree to disagree.” For those who may not know it simply means that since neither one of us is going to change our view and/or opinion, rather than going around in circles, we simply agree to disagree. Doing this allows us...