Busy as a Bee

Busy as a Bee

Sometimes a picture really is enough Keeping busy as a bee! [singlepic id=45 w= h= float=center] [singlepic id=43 w= h= float=left] [singlepic id=46 w= h=...


Do we all see the same thing? When you are with someone else and you are both watching a sunset, are you both seeing it the same way? Perspective is an interesting thing; it is not just based on what you see, it is also based on who you are – how you have...

Added a link to my portfolio

I have been working on uploading my photos to 500px.com – so I have added a link to my portfolio. I am not a fool enough to believe I am by any means a great photographer, as some of the photos you will find there are outstanding, breath-taking and beyond...

I’m working on it, really I am :)

I have been trying to work on my site. However, I have been quite busy with business and life, so it is a slow go. You ever have that happen? Where you “think” you are going to have time to get something done because life seems to have slowed down, and the...