I Love Staring at a Blank Screen

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Ramblings

It’s not that I don’t want to write. Sometimes, I sit down in front of my computer and my mind just goes blank. I have taken to jotting little notes in notebooks or random pieces of paper to help me out. Still, I have a great idea and then I sit down and… nothing.

I have read articles that writer’s block doesn’t actually exist. In order to overcome it, you need to write. Well, I could write random squiggles all day. Yet, when I sit down at my computer to type up something of interest or value or just plan anything, often my mind just short-circuits.

Is this one of those “I am getting older” factors? Do I just really have nothing to say? Perhaps I have something to say but don’t think others will find value in it? It is a difficult thing to sort through. I wonder if perhaps the idea of success actually terrifies me so I am willing to sabotage myself.

After all, I think that my entire life, I have had the goal of serving others. Helping others fulfill their dreams or goals. Now, when I finally decide that I want to focus on me and my future; my dreams, I just pfthzt out. (Yes, I said pfthzt! Its more a sound really.)

So, today I thought I would take the proverbial bull by the horns and write about my blank screen. I am sure it will probably edify no-one. It just makes me feel better than I have actually put words on the screen in front of me. Yes, I did post my ramblings. After all, what good is it if I just do this and then keep it to myself?

I hope that you are having a better day than I am. That you aren’t facing a “blank screen.” If you are, I just urge you to make it nonsensical at its worst and spectacular at its best. It is better to start something, someway, than to do nothing. Here is to kick-starting your day!

Hope it is a great one!