Knowing When to Stop

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Life

When my son was younger, he would tell jokes, and they were funny. The problem was, that he didn’t know when to “stop” so what started out being funny, ended up being just bad or sad or annoying. It took him  awhile to know when to stop and let funny be funny. (He has natural timing, which is nice, since I can’t tell a joke to save my life.)

We are all like that in various aspects of our lives; not knowing when to just stop and move on from things. Whether it is a relationship, a job, or something as simply as closing our mouths to allow funny to be funny.

It can be hard to appreciate what we have, when we keep our nose to the grindstone and just pushing forward as if there is nothing better in life. It is important for us to stop and appreciate life.

So today, I encourage you to take a moment and stop to enjoy just this one breath; take a deep long breath and let it out slowly, then look at the world around you. (Hopefully, you aren’t stuck in a cubicle with out a window to the world. Or if you are, then my wish for you is that you can find the beauty in the moment.) You never know what that one moment will lead to.