It May Be Hard But Not Impossible to Accept Yourself Just the Way You Are
Sometimes it is hard to wake up in the morning and face yourself in the mirror. What comes to mind when you think about staring at your reflection? Most people tend to avoid it. Or do it with critical eyes. We stand in front of the mirror and seek out every one of our...You Make A Difference
It is important to remember that you make a difference even when you don’t realize it. You touch lives that you may not even know. The world is a greater place because YOU are in it. Without your uniqueness we would be missing such a wonderful part of our...Adulting is Never Easy No Matter Your Age
adult·ing /əˈdəltiNG,ˈaˌdəltiNG/ the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. I remember when I was growing up, I read many Erma Bombeck articles and books. The thing I loved...A Nation Divided Will Not Stand – Let Us Work on Coming Together in 2021
A nation divided will not stand. We are a nation divided. The “changing of the guard” will not change that fact. It is “we the people” who have to change, or be willing to change. This nation will be conquered from within, not from without....Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021
As we slowly limp toward the end of 2020, watching the slow drag of the hands on the clock tick away, perhaps it is time to reflect on this past year. Sometimes moving forward means looking back to see where we have come from to help us analyze the things we did right and wrong. In the hope of not making the same mistakes as well as keeping our good memories in tact.
I will go first. In order for me to introduce you to my year in 2020, I have to go back a couple of months to 2019. In November of 2019, I came down sick. I went from one day being healthy and helping a friend who was sick to being ‘can’t get out of bed’ sick. I was sure I had the flu. As with most flu like symptoms, I wasn’t surprised I was still sick in December. The chills, the hot and cold flashes, the lack of energy, the constant coughing; I figured were all part of this terrible flu I had. Since I generally don’t get the flu (and no I don’t get flu shots as the only time I did have one I got the flu. So why have a shot if I am just going to get the flu anyway?)