Allergic to …. fleas?

Allergic to …. fleas?

So, once again my puppy (who will be 5 this year) has surprised me. Ramsey had running nose and eyes and was scratching and biting, more so than the usual. At first I thought it might be a dog cold, so I took him to the vet and found out... Yes, my dog is allergic to...

He’s not the only one…

I had a customer come in the other day, who also owes a NWFT, she is 3-years old. I found out that his dog is also allergic to grass. That isn't the only thing they have in common, apparently, they also both came from the same breeder. I know not all of the NWFT from...

At 2 1/2

Well, Ramsey is actually getting closer to 3 now; and he is definitely becoming more mature, losing a bit of the puppiness. He has also entered the challenge stage again. Basically, when you tell him to "sit" or anything else, he will think about it and sometimes just...

Its in the bark

Ramsey is quickly approaching the two year mark, and while part of me hopes that this will be a 'mature' point, I seriously doubt it. I have been told that they mature between 2 & 3 years. I will let you know. However, as we continue to train him he has learned a...

Always Friendly

Ramsey has become a "shop dog". Well, as he comes with me practically every where I go, with very few exceptions. (Talk about a spoiled dog.) He has gathered a bit of a following at work, in other words, people come simply to see him. When UPS drives up, we know it by...


I love my dog! The ironic thing is that he has allergies to "something" in the yard.. which looks a lot like grass. Of course, we took him to the vet and that is how we found out! We were given some power to help with the itching, but he still manages to chew, bit,...

A Little yorkie

We had a customer bring in his rescue dog, a little Yorkie named Charlie. Ramsey wanted to play with him, and it was really cute to watch this small dog (Charlie is 2 years old) playing 'chase' with Ramsey (who is 14 months). Charlie would run at Ramsey, and then run...

Just another dog day

Ramsey loves to greet customers at work, however, when he isn't doing that.. he is just laying around waiting.   [singlepic id=56 w=320 h=40 float=none] [singlepic id=57 w=320 h=240 float=none] [singlepic id=58 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Barking at…

Over the past few months, my wonderful puppy has decided that he enjoys barking just to bark. He is selective when he barks, which happens to be mostly in the car, out the window at people who are usually jogging, on bikes or motorcycles. However, do not let this fool...

…into the car

Until my pup, I have never had a dog who wasn't absolutely "thrilled" to get into a vehicle and travel with me. However, his view of the world has changed my own dog perception a bit. I am sure it had something to do with the fact that he would get car sick every time...


Due to the amount of chewing, I just thought I would re-stress that these guys can be very heavy chewers. It might not seem that way when they are little, but they will chew wires, shoes, boxes, etc. If given the chance. They really need to be re-directed in their...

After the “surgery”

So my boy came through his surgery with no problems. Although, I was a bit freaked out, he was SO calm the first day after I picked him up, and then the next day. The vet had told us that he needed to remain indoors and "calm" for ten days so that he would be able to...

Chewing up a storm

So my puppy is 28 weeks old and his chewing has increased. That's right, increased. These guys are definite heavy chews. I make sure to  have some good rawhide around for gnawing on as well as a few other perfectly acceptable chews.  The blanket, is not for chewing...

Sad to hear

While I was at the vet, someone asked me what kind of dog I had; so, of course I proudly told them that he is a Northwest Farm Terrier. That is when some one else in the vet's office said they knew someone who had one of those, and gave it to the pound. I can't...

Energy and Attention

So our puppy is 15 weeks old; this week he has added a new attribute to his personality - that of attention seeker. The walks, toys, play time, training time are not enough for him this week and he is seeking attention on his terms. This usually turns out to be...

Did I mention stubborn?

As we have been working on our "walks" suddenly, my puppy has taken to try to take me for walks. He grabs his end of the leash, puts his head up high, and walks me. Interestingly enough most of the time he is walking right next to me, which is where he is suppose to...

Smart, Stubborn, Cute

As with all puppies, they require training. I have had my fair share of puppy training over the years; mostly as I have had a number of dogs over the years. What I have learned about the NWFT (Northwest Farm Terrier) is that they are absolutely adorably cute. They are...

First Visit to Petco

The thing about Petco is that you can bring your pet into the store as long as they have a leash. So it allows you to take a puppy into an environment that is rich in sound, smell and people while at the same time it is a controlled atmosphere. Now, I have ferrets and...

Trip to the Vet, success

We took our puppy to the vet, and it went well. First, and foremost, no car sickness. He still has issues getting into the car, but as he gets bigger and more used to these rides, I am certain he will do better. He did very well at the vet as well. She saw no problems...

Northwest Farm Terrier

Want to know more? Well, first, it is a bit more difficult to find information about this (for lack of a better term) 'designer' breed. As with all breeds, they have to start somewhere, and most of them started out as a mix of two different breeds. Take the Jack...

and so the story goes…

So I found a puppy in our local paper. It wasn't the first time I had seen the ad, it had come and gone and come and gone and it was back again. It was for a Northwest Farm Terrier. Now, having read about various terriers; as I had briefly considered a jack Russell...

The puppy saga

The puppy saga

This saga begins last year when my dog of 16 years died of natural causes. Oddly, I had scheduled to take her to the vet and have her put down due to how bad she had gotten with arthritis, and both her eyes and ears going. Lucki was the best damn dog ever, and I do...