Okay, You’ve Had Some Time…

by | Jan 27, 2015 | Featured, Life

So, how is your New Year going? Is it coming along as expected? What did you expect? If you do the same things you always have done, then you will get the same results you always have.  (Yea! Yea! Don’t quote me on that, I have had that pounded into my brain for years .)

I generally do not make New Year resolutions; simply because I never follow through on them, so a long time ago I thought why even bother. It worked. There is no pressure put on me to do things that I really didn’t think through committing to (did I really want to do that?)  However, now that we are passed all the pomp and circumstance and  auld lang syne (or ole lang zyn as so many people pronounce it). I mean speaking of something we just do to do.. every New Year’s eve.. but I digress.

You have had time to decide how this year is going to be. What in your life are you going to change? Commit to it. Don’t think of it as ‘change’ so much as a new beginning or a new direction. Why? Because something inside of us tends to balk at the word “change”. I am sure there is some psychologically profound reason for that (probably not.) So, this year I have made a couple of my own decisions mostly about becoming a more of the person I want to be. So far, I am happy to say, I am on track.

Though every once in a while (today was that day) something comes along that just throws everything that I have been trying to accomplish out the window. It really doesn’t matter what happened, the fact is, that it happens. To all of us, all the time. It is the way we react to these things that really matter. How do you handle the curve balls in life? Is your glass half empty or half full?


Hakf Full Half Empty

The glass is half full, the Bottle is half empty. How do you see the world?

Take a moment to think about how you view things that happen and how you can make a positive change for YOURself in the way you handle those things.

I encourage you to make both a couple of long term and short term goals. Write them up, put them in a place you will look at them every once in a while. (You can put them somewhere you will see them daily, but how often do we “tune out” the daily reminders? Put them on a mirror and you get used to seeing them there and then you just don’t see them.) [Note: I know that we are all different and some people DO “see” them every day, but if you are like me, you probably tune them out after so long. So by putting them where you will run across them from time to time as a reminder; when you see them your brain goes, “Oh yea!” and its fresh and lasts a while.

I hope this New Year brings you a lot of joy and happiness. Even if you have struggles, I hope you will find the silver lining to get through the tough times or have someone by your side to be your strength to help you through.

Be encouraged. Its a New Year!