Welcome to the Holiday Season

by | Dec 2, 2014 | Inspiration, Life

Well its “that” time of year again! Where, we are asked to “give” every time we walk through the door of any big store (I refer to the U.S. as that is where I am); where the bell-ringers make you re-think your path through the store, just to avoid them. Where every time you check out, you are asked to donate to another cause, and we haven’t even gotten to the “gimme” stage of family and friends and OOOH PRESENTS!!! stage yet.  Do I sound skeptical?

Well, a few years ago, I woke up to the commercialism of “the season”. I decided on a year with NO giving of presents or expectations of getting. Instead, I decided on a life lesson to my family of what I thought the season should be about. Guess what? Commercialism and presents did not win out!

It frustrates me that so many people are so focused on what they can get. I am not saying, don’t give to causes you believe in. What I am saying is, shouldn’t this giving of ourselves to things we believe in be year round? So, I started to follow my own ideology of not waiting for an occasion to show I care.

My friends and family have been the benefactors of what I fondly call my “just because” gifts. What are those, you might ask? Well, when I am somewhere and I see something that reminds me of someone, something I think they  might really enjoy, I get it for them. Then I make sure I see them to give it to them. When asked why, I simply respond, “just because.”

Certain holidays, at least for me, are meant for times of reflecting. What is this holiday about? Why do I celebrate it? How do I want to celebrate it? Do I have to go in debt in order to show everyone I know what kind of person I am? Sometimes, writing out a letter is much better than giving a store bought card. (I know children don’t always get these things; but these can be life lessons that carry forward.)

So this year, I encourage you, as you are getting closer to whatever holiday you celebrate during the month of December, to think about why you are doing what you are doing. Does it line up with the person you want to be? Celebrate it because you believe!  Make the holidays come alive with rediscovering your friends and family with love, laughter and lots of life!

May you have a truly blessed and beautiful holiday season!