What’s your focus?

by | Jan 14, 2019 | Life

Here we are, another week has gone by. Three weeks into the new year and how are your resolutions fairing? (If you made them?) Are you satisfied with how things are going?

The problem I find with “resolutions” is that it is implied there is more than one. We make a list for ourselves and say, “I need to do this and this and this… this year.” When we should be saying I want to focus on this one aspect of my life. It is often easier to find a focused goal than have a list of things to do. With one focus goal, ‘get fit’, you can encompass a lot of other little things such as; work out, eat healthier, etc. Or perhaps it is spending time with family. Learning to find a balance between work and home. (Something that can be difficult to do even with the best of intentions.)

Sometimes, it is difficult to find a focus, especially when life has thrown something at you unexpected. A divorce, a death, loss of job or home. With these things, we become very unfocused and go into survival mode. Just getting by one day at a time. Sometimes it is even one breath at a time. One single moment becomes a success that we have managed to make it through. It is about taking just one step. In difficult times, one step is a monumental success. For those who have never experienced a tragedy, it may not seem this way. It is easy to become flippant toward people who are struggling when you don’t understand nor can you empathize with their struggles. There are some situations in life, where if you haven’t been there then you can’t fully comprehend what someone is going through.

If you find yourself able to create a goal and focus for your life this year, then I want to encourage you and applaud your daily efforts toward doing those things you have set up for yourself. If you are struggling with this moment or this time in your life, I want to encourage you to just take a breath. Sometimes the simple act of inhaling and exhaling is enough to get us by. Try not to be discouraged and focus on what you can’t do. Instead, focus on the one thing you can do. Take a breath. Take a step. Sit quietly and just breathe.

You may not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I promise you, it is there. You may be trudging through the valley with trees oppressing you on every side and can’t see the top of the mountain. I encourage you to take one more step, it may just be that one step that gets you around the bend and into the sunshine. Find small progressions to mark your path. Small victories that may seem silly to others but are the things that are going to help you make it through. Find someone to talk to, even if it is your dog. Speaking out loud helps us to release a lot of thoughts that can trip you up mentally. Don’t focus on the negative. Find one good thing in your life, no matter how small or insignificant others might think it is. It is important that you focus on you and not on what others think of you or how you perceive the way they think of you.

I want to encourage you that this is a new year. A new week. A new opportunity to move toward the things you plan or want to do. Don’t let yesterday’s setback hold you back. Keep your chin up, shoulders back, take a deep breath and one step forward.